December 4, 2023

Overconfidence Bias

Do you consider yourself to have an above-average intellect? If so, you’re not alone. Approximately 65% of the people who were asked this question considered themselves to possess superior intellect and have a brighter future than an average person. Another similar survey asked people whether they considered themselves to be an above average driver, and…

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Vivek Sharma

August 25, 2023

Seven Math Concepts with Real-World Application

During our school days, we often asked our teachers how the concepts that we were learning were going to help us in life. Most teachers didn’t have an answer to that question and would simply dismiss us. Prof. Sanjay Bakshi challenges this conventional approach of monotonous rote learning and enlightens us with a fresh perspective…

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Vivek Sharma

March 28, 2023

Gulaq Balanced Investment Approach

Model portfolios have become a popular investment approach for retail investors lately. Investment Platforms such as smallcase, wealthdesk, etc. have allowed investment advisors to create and test their investment ideas with a collection of stocks on offer to investors. The trend led to the rise of thematic, sector specific, factor specific model portfolios. These portfolios…

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Vivek Sharma

March 14, 2023

Setting returns expectations

A good investment plan starts with setting the expectations right. The importance of this grows multifold in this informative age, where social media platforms’ feed is filled with people finding multibaggers, doubling the investments in a matter of a few months, etc. Investors with higher expectations tend to quit markets once reality hits, and join…

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Vivek Sharma