10-Year Performance Comparison of Large Cap, Mid Cap, & Small Cap
If you had invested Rs.100 each in Large-Cap, Mid-Cap, & Small-Cap, what would your investment be worth today? In this blog post, we are going to take a deep dive into the last 10-year performance of each category and compare how they stack up against each other. Let’s get started! What are Large-Cap, Mid-Cap, and…
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Vivek Sharma
Gulaq Gear 6 Performance Deep Dive of 2023
We launched Gulaq in 2020 as the retail arm of Estee Advisors Pvt Ltd. Estee had over a decade’s worth of experience in building sophisticated quantitative algorithms for its HNIs and institutional clients. With Gulaq, we aimed to reach the masses and make our quant strategies available to everyone. Gulaq Gear 6 is our flagship…
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Vivek Sharma
Gulaq Gear 6 performance deep dive of 2022
Recap: Gulaq portfolios follow multi-factor investing. We track 130+ factors including fundamental, technical, and macro-economic factors in our portfolio construction process. Every month we will take market movement into consideration and accordingly rebalance our portfolios. Launched in 2020, Gulaq Gear 6 is our flagship portfolio with 100% equity allocation. The portfolio has been one of…
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Vivek Sharma
A deep dive into Gulaq Gear 6 Portfolio performance
A deep dive into Gulaq Gear 6 Portfolio performance The story of Gulaq started in May 2020. We had spent years in building and refining our quant models for Gulaq portfolios. The algorithms have produced promising backtested results. It was in 2020, we have received a green signal to go live. Estee, the parent company…
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